Chris + Christina - Eagle Ridge Part Two

Chris & Christina chose Eagle Ridge Golf Course in Gilroy, California for their April wedding and it couldn't have been prettier.  The Club House was stunning with green shutters, wisteria, roses, and beautiful rustic lighting throughout.   Chris & Christina chose to see each other before the ceremony so that they could utilize the time and do all the photos beforehand, making it possible to enjoy cocktail hour with all of their guest.  I always recommend that a Bride & Groom choose the option of a first look for so many reasons.  For one, they both enjoy that special moment of seeing each other for the first time without anyone else around, besides the photographer(s), which I assure you stand at a distance.  I absolutely love seeing their reaction & the best part is I get to capture it - every tear, facial expression, and excitement.   I will never forget the excitement of Christina right before seeing Chris - she was literally jumping up and down in excitement & anticipation.  The first four images are why seeing each  pre-ceremony is a must.


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